


Kind Studio comes to an end.

I could tell you about the many reasons for this end. The difficulties of running a fashion brand, specially an ethical one, were a major factor in my decision to stop. But I won't.
I'd rather tell you about all the good things that happened.

I'd rather tell you about the immense good fortune I had in being able to create my project and to put into it all the passion and values I carried within me. All the things it taught me, the experience and confidence I gained along the way. The joy of doing a job that you love and feeling that you belong, that you're aligned. Fighting to do something that's fairer, that in its own small way tries to change things.

I'd rather tell you about every time you've chosen a small brand like mine instead of a fast fashion chain. Every time you've told me that you feel so good in this garment, that you don't want to leave it, that you love its cut, its fabric, the care with which it has been designed and made. You have no idea how important it was to keep going and not to give up. Thank you for your orders, your visits to the pop-up and the studio, your fittings, your sharing and all your feedback, since the first collection. Thank you for being the best customers I could have wished for this brand and for making me feel good at what I do.

I'd rather tell you about all the great people I've met along the way, with whom I've worked, shared and forged links. The three amazing interns I was lucky enough to have by my side for a few months. And of course the loving people who have supported and accompanied me from the very beginning, family and friends. To all these people without whom this adventure would have been impossible, or so much more difficult, I want to say once again how very grateful I am.

I'd rather say goodbye than farewell, because I'm not going to stop designing and making clothes. I'm sure I'll continue to offer you one-off a kind pieces here, as well as made-to-order pieces. If you like a design from the brand and would like to order it in a different material or colour, please let me know!

Despite the importance of this project for me and all the positive things it has brought me, it's with relief that I've decided to stop the brand. On the one hand, it was becoming too heavy to carry, and on the other, I didn't recognise myself in it any more. I'm sad to say goodbye today to what I thought was the project of my life, a project that has made me so happy. But there will be other projects, and I'm writing this message from a farm in the countryside, where I'm doing my first internship in organic market gardening, preparing for a transition. And this project makes me so happy too.

What's next for Kind Studio?

A major stock sale will start on 11 April. All the old collections at reduced prices, and above all the last chance to treat yourself to these pieces! The sale will take place online and at the studio in Paris, with an aperitif evening and an open weekend to mark the occasion. Sign up for the newsletter to make sure you don't miss out!

In a second phase, a sale of fabrics and sewing supplies will take place at the studio. This will also be announced by newsletter.

The studio will officially close in June
 In the meantime I look forward to seeing you for the last fittings or for a coffee in the pretty courtyard!
See you soon,

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